Baron of Benevolent Buffoonery.
Harbinger of Infectious Enthusiasm.
Pastor of the Perpetual Party.
Why Does Harp Ridiculate?
I ridiculate because it allows me to tap into my love and energy and share it with the world. I have seen, and know to be fact, that communion with others in love, laughter and movement is physically, emotionally, and spiritually, unquestionably beneficial for humankind.
My mission is to share as much joy, love, and positive energy with as many beings as possible in my time here. I also aim to muck up commonly accepted avenues of ostracization amongst the humans.
Reverend Mother Ridiculous.
Minister of Sacred Silliness.
Ambassador of the Divine Absurd.
Why Does Angelina Ridiculate?
I ridiculate because life is hard and far too heavy to carry alone. There is resilience in laughter &
going out of my way to share joy with others
reminds me to access it myself.
I am on a mission is ridiculate the world, and lovingly wrap its people up in joy and silliness. I aim to offer space for communion across perceived barriers, support creative self expression, & encourage lightness of being, even in the darkest of times.